The Very Very Late Show (February Short List)

Music always comes third in the list of priorities when it comes to my time, so it comes to pass that February’s short list post appears in March. It’s not a big deal – I’ve had the February five since early in the month and owing to working in London these days, there’s plenty of time to listen whilst on planes, trains and automobiles. The not-so famous five for Feb are and these are 'Seasons of my Soul' - Rumer, 'Ventriloquizzing' - Fujiya and Miyagi, 'Spooky Two' - Spooky Tooth, W hite Noise Sound's self-titled album, a nd lastly 'Rolling Thunder' - The Go! Team (left to right, top to bottom). I’ve not a lot of time to say why these five – Rumer was an out of the blue choice after hearing a couple of tracks and being smitten by “Slow” in particular. Spooky Tooth – the token oldie – are a band whose name I’ve long been fascinated by but whose music I barely know. I remember their name from Saturday afternoon Alan “Fluff” Freeman shows ...