Music and Nostalgia

Nostalgia has featured a lot in my life lately - a 40th anniversary school reunion next year is generating lots of social media chatter with associated memories and Mr and Mrs 9Feet Underground have been enjoying a 22nd wedding anniversary - all of which has prompted me to write this piece on music and nostalgia. Let's get straight to the point: when it comes to music, in general, I'm not keen on nostalgia. Let me expand on that. I don't mean that I don't listen to any music that was written / recorded / released in the past. Far from it. To me "new music" just means music I've not heard before, whether it was recorded yesterday or before I surfaced, screaming, onto this planet. The key thing is to not only be open to new music but to actively seek it out; I'm not interested in the view that all the good music was made in the sixties, seventies, eighties, or whatever period happens to coincide with the speaker’s youth. There always has been go...