Wire at sub89 Reading 15th March 2017

First up was support act Captivves, a Reading three-piece featuring drums, bass and guitar. From the outset the guitar player set a tone of dark foreboding with sheets of steely noise: the bassist is also the singer and his angst-filled vocals had the perfect setting against this backdrop. A beautifully consuming sound to get lost in. Captivves have a couple of EPs up on Soundcloud that are well worth a listen: Captivves on Souncloud . The venue started filling out ahead of the arrival of the main attraction, though if you were there early you did see Colin Newman setting up his equipment before the band came on stage for their set. Whatever happened to roadies? Wire took to the stage and got straight into 'Boiling Boy' from ' A Bell is a Cup' one of the few numbers dating back to Wire mark 1. This year is Wire's 40th anniversary but - as is customary with them - they did not choose to do a greatest hits set, rather a set almost totally com...