Did You See Butterflies?

After beginning to despair of the new releases this year - not that they were bad, but worse than that much that I've heard has been just OK. Boring. The cardinal sin where music is concerned. You begin to wonder if it's your own frame of mind that's the problem, but then an album comes along that restores your faith. Jane Weaver's new album, 'Modern Kosmology', which tips a nod to both Trish Keenan's Broadcast and also, naturellement, to Laetitia Sadier, as well as krautrock in a broader sense. Nevertheless she is her own person and has her own vision which immediately becomes apparent. 'Did You See Butterflies' builds from an insistent rhythm into a simple guitar riff until the vocals kick in and we are lost into a dreamy vocal swirl that builds and builds into the chorus. Drowning in reverb and echo lost to the intoxicating voice round and round.Bliss... Listen to the album here...