I Know What I Like (Steve Hackett, Hexagon, Reading, 16th November 2019)

Last time I saw Genesis - at Knebworth in 1978 - Steve Hackett had already left the band and they'd just released the aptly titled, 'And Then There Were Three'. Looking back at the albums Genesis released after Steve Hackett left - and I include 'And Then There Were Three' in that number - it's clear that, whatever the song credits may suggest, he had a big influence on the sound and songwriting and his departure coincided with the end of my interest in their albums. I'd go further and say, lyrically at least, losing Peter Gabriel also negatively affected the songwriting, though that's one for another day... From Hillage to Hackett in twenty-four hours - and, a fter the magnificence of Gong and Steve Hillage's performance in Aylesbury the previous night, this was going to have to be good, though several sources had suggested we'd not be disappointed. Friends met, drinks in hand, we took to our seats in the circle, front row ...