Love, Poetry and Revolution - Wednesday 24th July 2024

The last three weeks have been fun-filled, starting with the Idler festival, a family holiday in Phuket, a week for Q and I in Bangkok, culminating in a day at the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford. Phew! As I start writing this I have yet to think about how I'll cover all this, it may even require two posts, we crammed so much in. Q and I attended the Idler festival , starting with an overnight stay in a small hotel in Hampstead, before meeting up with our Idler friends on Friday. Unexpectedly, we had an impromptu evening meal with son #2 and his Costa Rican gf. This was excellent and a chance for Q and S to spend time together again. In a few days, we'll be off to Thailand together. After the meal, we bumped into some of our Idler friends who'd popped into the pub for a drink. Friday evening was the start of the festival proper, and it was great to meet up with Idler friends as well as hear a discussion between Rowan Williams (ex Archbishop of Canterbury), ...