The Ballad of Persse O'Reilly
I have this crazy idea to write a book about 'Finnegans Wake' one day (one day!? Start now or you'll be dead first!) - yeah, I know, like the world needs another - along with 'Ulysses' probably the most written about book / author excepting Shakespeare. This is an idea that I have harboured for many years now, without it really getting from my head to the page. Why am I writing this here? Why now? Well, partly because everything seems to be screaming at me to do it. Everywhere I go, 'Finnegans Wake' keeps being brought to my attention: this month's 'Idler' magazine (issue number 67, for more info see here ) contains an essay, titled 'After The Wake', that touches on the book and, just a few days later, whilst perusing 'The Quietus's' website, I came across an article under their 'Tome on the Range' feature, where one of the authors talks about reading 'Finnegans Wake', the article being found here . ...