The Experiment

I love music.  I don’t love all music, but I’ll listen to anything. Once. Probably. Overall though it would be fair to say the vast majority of the things I love fall under the heading ‘popular music’, just to avoid unjustified expectation. Beneath that the musical categories, genres, sub-genres and tribes get a bit confusing.  Plus I don’t really like labels.  Just “I like that”, “I hate that” and “that’s so unambitious and mediocre to the point of boredom”.

This love of music has made me into a voracious consumer of music.  Probably too much [nah, impossible] – but certainly to the extent that over Christmas my wife accused me of being addicted to music, or at least to buying CDs.  Inexplicably this struck a chord and is the inspiration for the experiment which this blog will record during 2011.

So, to this blog then: It’s called ‘Nine Feet Underground’ because it’s named after one of my favourite pieces of music – that’ll probably come up at some point in one of the blogs. That aside it has nothing to do with the experiment, which goes like this. 

Rather than buy loads of CDs and not have time to listen to them – what with listening to all this other new stuff that doesn’t end up in the collection and all – each month I’ll select around five new albums  (new to me at least) and decide which is best over the course of the month.  So, in that way I’ll only choose 12 new CDs in the year, with the exception of happy events when people wish to buy presents (Birthday, Christmas etc)…in the form of music, naturally.

There’s a bit more to it than that, but rules are tedious to state and the first blog has to end somewhere. In the next blog I'll be selecting the albums for January 2011.


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