Love, Poetry and Revolution - Saturday 21st October 2023

In and out the dusty bluebells! (Are they dusty or dusky, that is the question?)

Certain aspects of life are following sinuous, meandering routes but I think the destination is still in sight. As the path becomes clearer I will elaborate further in these hallowed ones and zeroes.

We're also making plans for Christmas (not Nigel), something revolutionary (for us, if not for Che) for a change which bring much much fun for all of us, or almost all of us.

Since last my binary digits (I was going to write bits, but it sounded decidedly odd) graced this virtual paper, sons 1, 3 and I have visited Liverpool as part of birthday celebrations with Q and then visited Salts Mill in Bradford for lunch with my big sis and her husband followed by a tour of the Hockney exhibition (and the bookshop - oops!).  We haven't seen big sis and husband since our mum's funeral, so a face-to-face catch up was overdue.  It was also an opportunity for Q to meet them, so now she's met both my sisters.

As always I am immersed in music, when time permits not to mention all the other things that life demands.  

One thing that grinds my gears is the fact that YouTube now insists you drop AdBlockers, unless you buy a subscription.  I guess it's the way of the internet.  Certain people get a monopoly, usually by foul means, and then start wanting to force you to pay them or be subjected to a barrage of bollocks (C), aka bloody adverts for Toblerone, funeral services etc.

Enough moaning, in the grand scheme of things it is not even worthy of a second of anyone's attention.  

Tamworth and Mid-Beds - Yay!

A while back, Nick Cave was interviewed on radio and TV, and someone significant in the universe, and who didn't/doesn't know who Nick Cave is, (in spite of him being one of the most successful Australian exports), referred to him as some 'Old Australian bloke'.  Guess it's a generational thang. All this preamble is a lead in to a favourite song by The Birthday Party, featuring a very young Nick Cave on vocals.

The Birthday Party /  'Release The Bats'  / 'Junkyard'

[[There was an excellent video to go with this, but its seems to have disappeared! It's still one of my go to songs, and maybe this month is perfect!]]

In an attempt to further dispel the 'seventies cop show' vibe here's another for Q...

The 2 Bears /  'Warm & Easy'  / 'Be Strong'

[['Computer Love' on the stereo]]

Unusually for me, something from a folk musician, Kathryn Tickell, who plays the Northumbrian pipes. I hear this and was captivated. I love the idea of it, the longing for light which is a feature of the season we're soon to enter.  The song has a mantra-like quality and hints at the work of much heavier bands. I won't waste a page trying to plant that idea.

Kathryn Tickell & The Darkening /  'Long for Light'  / 'Cloud Horizons'

[[I like it so much, I am going to have to listen to the album.]]


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