Love, Poetry and Revolution - Monday 2nd October 2023

I'm writing this in Liverpool, as Q moved back into her house on Friday afternoon after three weeks away while the bathroom was replaced post-fire.  There's still more to be done - a bit more inside and some roof and guttering repairs outside.

I arrived on Saturday afternoon after perhaps the longest journey north yet.  The best thing about the journey was that the lengthy detour through Shropshire and Cheshire took me past the former RAF Tern Hill and not far from RAF Shawbury. Whatever is able to increase the buoyancy of your waterborne transport.

Timely arrival was key as we were due to out early evening for a meal with some good friends who are spending the weekend in the city.  We had booked a table at an Italian restaurant in the city centre.  We had a great meal with lots of chat and wonderful company. It's been too long. We must meet again soon - next time with the "boys".  One thing that struck me is a Saturday night in Liverpool is very friendly.  Unlike in my home town, there were people out to enjoy the evening of all ages not just young lads testing the limits of alcohol poisoning.  Liverpool is buzzing!  I think Liverpool must be the lip filler capital of the UK, I guess being a port there is a strong affinity with the sea and the creatures which inhabit it.

Today I am testing a new Superyagi Slim Jim antenna and will be comparing it with a Skyscan desktop discone to see which pulls in the best signals.  Height and location are, as always, key. I'll check back later to see how it's going.  Slim Jim versus Skyscan desktop. Which is best? There's only one way to find out...fight! I am sure you can't wait! 

Macie Stewart /  'Neon Lights'  / (Single)

[[An incredibly brilliant cover of Kraftwerk's original, which is one of my favourite tunes of all time. Great vocals! I love it! ]]


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