Love, Poetry and Revolution - Sunday 12th November 2023


It's official! After weeks, months, maybe even years of planning the countdown has officially begun. In less than a month I will be retired. Yay! It's been a long time coming and now all my ducks are lining up, it's happening.

My joy at ending work is mixed.  The last few years of working and being a carer have been tough, and it's taken a toll on me and my health. Nevertheless I have met, and continue to meet, new people who have brought sun into my life.  I shall miss the people and the non-work conversations.  I have, however, been in the IT industry for too long: bring back the abacus.  Much as I like new technology, I think in some areas we are in danger of taking things too far. Bloody Elon Musk!

Despite this event being a mere few weeks away, there's a lot of things I need to organise and given the time of year, I won't have a lot of time to fully appreciate my new situation and plan my time until January next year. Probably.

Of course, nothing positive in life is without its darker, flip side.  Last week I had a meeting with the Sue Ryder nurse and community matron to discuss how E is and update her 'Respect' plan. It was a great opportunity to talk over some of the challenges ahead for E and the rest of us.  Next year offers me many great opportunities all of which I'd be insane to miss out on. Not to mention that I don't want to miss out on them.  Because of the nature of E's illness and likely end, there is a risk I might not be here at the critical moment.  The Sue Ryder nurse said that my sons' and I cannot continue to have our lives on hold, and this is true.  For me, at least, I have to seize opportunities when they are presented. Only one life.  No regrets.  This is my challenge. I don't want to have any regrets. It works both ways, though.

I am speaking to my sons' about our futures, and my plans as well, but alongside that I have decided I am going to talk to E, explain what I'm doing and where I'm going (within limits, natch) and keep repeating the words I said last year when she was in hospital and her oxygen and antibiotics were turned off.  The universe and the bigger plan may align and everything will work out.  Maybe.

Roll on the 1st of December.

Donovan /  'Wear Your Love Like Heaven'  / 'A Gift From A Flower To A Garden'

[[The album from which this song comes has just been re-released and so I heard, for the first time, on a recent 'Freak Zone' where this was the featured album.  Stuart Maconie played this track and I was instantly hooked by the chorus.  Donovan is not someone whose music has ever interested me, until I heard this. For me he's one of those musicians who is better in theory than in practice.    

The clincher for me choosing this song was hearing it a few days after my first ever hearing (despite it being from 1967 or something like that) on the soundtrack to the gritty, incredibly dark comedy, 'Rain Dogs' which stars Daisy May Cooper, Adrian Edmonson and Jack Farthing, amongst others. You really should watch it, though it is incredibly rude. 

Finally I am becoming what I always wanted to be - a hippie. Peace. Love. Understanding. With some gritty reality thrown in for good measure.]]


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