Love, Poetry and Revolution - Sunday 25th February 2024

I have a lot to talk about today, though I'm not sure how to begin.  Problem solved.

It's a strange time at the moment. A lot of the positive, life-enhancing things I've been enjoying are on hold.

E's condition is keeping me here, apart from brief excursions for a few hours or less.  Although she's on constant pain relief and calming/anti-seizure medication, there are things going on, intermittently.  As I am the main communication medium that attempts to interpret signs that mean she is in pain or having a fit.  This is far from an exact science and comes with responsibility that is concerning. Based on my observations medication can be increased, though the decision to do so and the amount of the increase are thankfully not decisions I have to make.  Today there have been signs of discomfort and now the driver is bleeping as it appears to be blocked somewhere, though after a couple of examinations I can find no evidence of it.

The nurse has been to refill the driver and, at the same time, fix the blockage.  She's now left and it's all done.  Throughout this period of heightened anxiety (for me, at least!) the district nurses have been brilliant.  We are so lucky to have such a service.  

Here is where I should be, but it's also not where I want to be whilst being where I want to be at the same time, in the same heartbeat.

Against this backdrop, I've not been able to see Q, apart from meeting for lunch last Sunday.  I find this difficult.  This is for me to address and assess my responses.

I have been at home far more than I expected or intended, so I'm exploring other things my new-found 'freedom' brings me. Like what, maaan?

I've been catching up on things on my backlog to watch, namely an excellent film about Wilko Johnson, called 'The Ecstasy Of Wilko Johnson' and the TV series 'Ted Lasso'.

Now turns out to be the right time to watch the Wilko documentary.  It's given me a lot to think about and sent me in search of Milton's 'Paradise Lost' and the film 'The Seventh Seal', which I've managed never see, so far. I intend to rectify that very soon.

'Ted Lasso' is a whole different ballgame. Many people have told me how good it is, and I've finally started watching it.  Turns out, despite this being an American comedy (I am the miserable bleeder who didn't like 'Cheers' or 'Friends'), that it's really funny.  I am up to episode six of the first series and each episode has included several laugh-out-loud moments.  It's not just funny though, it's also touching.

Useless fact: what's the connection between the Wilko documentary and 'Ted Lasso'? The answer is 'Game Of Thrones' (which I've never watched), but do you know why?

The other thing I'm working towards is doing something creative. Not sure what, probably writing of some sort.  Maybe more on that later.

"...burn and rave at close of day"

Arushi Jain /  'Imagine An Orchestra'  / (Single)



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