Lockdown Diary - Saturday 23rd May 2020

Having got the worst part of Saturday out of the way, namely shopping, I can now kick back and enjoy a litany of chores.  Starting with washing. Actually, rewind that. Before doing the washing I undertook the incredibly tedious task of cleaning all the packaging that the shopping comes in, before putting it in cupboard, fridge, freezer or wherever the fuck it needs putting.  Part of me thinks this is surely overkill, but another part - influenced by sane friends (or at least friends I assume to be sane on the basis of no evidence to the contrary) and also the recommendation of experts - thinks it's not that big a deal and if it reduces the risk, even slightly, then it's worth it, especially given my wife is extremely vulnerable.  I really do not want to be the vector. That would be hard to live with.

Chores...chores...and chores: B.O.R.I.N.G.

Spent more time in the garden waging war on the bamboo. At the moment it's hand to hand combat, but the next step will be the 'heavy machinery' with one final round in my back pocket, if all else fails.

Enjoyed a couple of mini-catch-ups on FBM during the day...and almost started reading the Saturday papers

Went for a 30-minute brisk walk in the late afternoon and saw two friends whilst hurtling along...one in a car and one out running.

Inspired by a monk, I'm now drinking wine and composing a song whilst I contemplate the glass of wine.

Started dinner then son #2 came down stairs and said he was taking over and told me to go and do "Dad things", whatever they are. Naturally I've obliged, the only question being whether I end up blind, deaf or dumb.

Saturday night is film night, as you know, and son #1 is meant to be choosing, preferably before dinner so we don't spend 20 minutes pontificating. Let's hope it's not some bloody historical 'swords and sorcery' bullshit.

Son #1 chose 'Stalker', an Andrei Tarkovsky film (he of 'Solaris' (not the OS) fame), which many suggest is his best film.  That may well be true.  It isn't, however, a film for a Saturday night, after a knackering day when you got up at 6am and, at the point of starting the film, have already consumed a lot of alcohol. What little I saw of it, was bleak, heavy on dialogue, much of which was philosophical in nature and very long, and also in Russian, requiring you to read the subtitles if you want to understand what's going on.  

I take two things from the experience: I'd like to watch the film, but during daylight hours, and will suggest this to son #1; I also think we need to introduce guidelines around film choice for a Saturday night.  I will convene a family meeting and propose (everyone has to agree to it - my name's not Dominic and thus I don't get to impose my rules) the following: 1. Unless we start the film by 7pm, the maximum running time should be 2 hours; 2. It should be a film that is not too heavy, so films like 'The Seventh Seal' are out, but thought provoking and challenging is fine; 3: (and to be honest this shouldn't need saying) no bloody musicals.

'Trout Mask Replica' or 'Clear Spot'?  I'm going with the latter and here's 'My Head Is My Only House Unless It Rains', probably one of the longest song titles...take it away Don



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