Love, Poetry and Revolution - Wednesday 7th February 2024

Where do I begin, to tell the story of...the week so far?

After a long period of no apparent change, Monday began with E having a series of seizures (as much as anyone can tell).  We called out an ambulance, even though we knew E  is not for hospital admission.  The crew arrived quickly and they concluded that E had had a larger seizure followed by a series of smaller ones.  This necessitated a call to the district nurses as we needed some of E's PC medication to be administered, after which E seemed to settle.

That very lunchtime I had the first of a short series of counselling sessions, which was as draining as such sessions usually are.  We have set a goal and hopefully if we get somewhere close it might help me get my sleep back to normal.

Tuesday proved equally eventful and it seems that E is getting some kind of infection. This required a GP visit (fun to arrange!) and a prescription for antibiotics.  I just managed to get back in time from collecting the meds to allow the carers to administer the first dose. Watch this space.

Third time lucky, I'm planning a quieter day today. 

I have lots of ideas about things I want to do with my time. I think I mentioned the idea of some more music-focused posts in a recent post. That idea is evolving.  I've more or less decided to start a second, music-related blog, which is how this one started life.  The difference being there's going to be a theme that hangs the posts together.  I've only got to settle on two things: the title and the theme.  I have an idea for the theme, which is becoming more and more concrete.  The title will probably prove the hardest decision.  I've got lots of ideas, but none of them seem perfect, yet.

I will still be mentioning music here and including at least one song/tune, so fear not, probably stuff that isn't covered by the theme. Which I haven't settled on. Yet.

Distraction. Technique.

Drahla /  'Default Parody'  / 'angeltape' (forthcoming)



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