Love, Poetry and Revolution - Thursday 7th March 2024

I had planned to write this post yesterday, but it was a bit of a day for E and thus for me. It started first thing after E had suffered a bad night which resulted in her struggling to breathe easily.  This caused her to panic and it took an extra dose of sedative to gradually bring things under control.  First thing this morning her breathing was normal again and she was calmer.

Today we have taken the first steps to reduce her daily intake of sedative but not the pain relief.  If she continues to be asleep all or the majority of the time, even with the reduction of the sedative, then this will suggest that her sleepiness is part of a process of decline.

I had a lot of time to think yesterday, either whilst nurses were here (two separate visits) or whilst waiting for medication, during which time I found myself considering the nature of hell.  I came to the realisation that if it existed (which I don't think it does) it would be very different to the eternal fire than is so often pictured.  In the warmer glow of today's light I feel happiest not to elaborate.

One of the high points of yesterday was a call with a school friend and today this has been matched by a call with a friend in Berlin.  I am a very social animal by nature, and being stuck here, feeling trapped, is not doing me any good.

Yesterday, musings on the nature of hell aside, I wasn't in a great place to concentrate or focus. During this past week or so I have found some consolation in 'Married At First Sight Australia'.  People are endlessly fascinating, and couples even more so.  It is course, deeply educational in an anthropological way.

I believe some twat released a half-dead budgie yesterday, though as his name is rhyming slang for a rather rude word, the less said about that, the better.

Justice /  'One Night/All Night'  / 'Hyperdrama'

[[This I like. A lot.]]


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