Love, Poetry and Revolution - Thursday 21st March 2024

Another delayed post.  There is too much going on whilst I am at home to manage to stick to plans.

E has definitely stabilised to the extent that I have decided, in agreement with my sons, that I am just going to go ahead and follow my plans. She is still on medication, but I don't think she's in any hurry to go anywhere, even though her quality of life is the lowest it's ever been. For the past couple of weeks, maybe more, she has slept 99% of the time.  Set against this, now that I have the time to do what I want with my time, I really need to start doing it.

Last week's brief stay with Q reminded me how much better I feel when I am not 'stuck' here. I always do everything in my power to make sure my time away runs smoothly for E and for my sons.  There's one more thing I need to organise, just in case, but then I must put myself first.  This is my new approach to things.

Since I last wrote here I went to the preview screening of this documentary: 'The Story of Microdisney: The Clock Comes Down The Stairs', in the West End. It was a great evening - I met a couple of the band members, asked a couple of questions, and the film - which I helped Crowdfund, was better than could have been expected.  I've watched it twice in full. 

Plans are underway to visit Prague, Thailand (Bangkok and Phuket) and Australia (for Christmas, all being well) later this year.  There is much in prospect, I just need to take the plunge, but this time at the deep end.

I am still trying to enact the things that I discussed with the counsellor, including reading the most harrowing book I've ever read (so far): 'Man's Search For Meaning', by Viktor Frankl.  She suggested I might find it useful and informative, so far I haven't read anything in it that fits the bill.  Maybe when I've finished it?

Ibibio Sound Machine /  'Got To Be Who U Are'  / 'Pull The Rope' (Forthcoming)



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