Blue Monday

According to some in the media, today is Blue Monday. The day when a bunch of things (weather, time since Christmas, debt etc etc) are meant to reach an overwhelming nadir. (There's even an email in my inbox with the subject "How to beat Blue Monday"). Meanwhile, in the real world where life is lived hour by hour, and day by day, today is just another Monday, no more nor less depressing than any other day - be it January or June, Monday or Friday. That is reality.

Out here in NineFeetUnderground-land we keep on searching, keep on going around and around the unremitting cycle of day follows night follows day follows night in search of something better, something that will still the rage and harness the fire that burns within.  The emptiness at the centre cannot last, the vacuum will inevitably collapse, implosion the unavoidable consequence. 

Lingua Ignota gives voice to this turmoil. A recent discovery with a bleakness of vision which prefigures the company of the black dog that stalks the shadows and waits. Enjoy.

[Another hour will soon be upon me]


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