Lockdown Diary - Sunday 29th March 2020

For the first time in I don't know how long, I've not read The Observer today. In the old world I used to go and pick up the paper, along with coffee and fresh food items on a Sunday morning, and maybe say Aloha to a few of those I'm on 'How the devil are you?' terms with. 

In the new world, apart from the coffee shop being shut, I can't really justify going out to buy a newspaper.  Even if one of us weren't highly vulnerable to Covid-19, the risk of going out where there are other people, is too great for them and for us.

I had attempted to rectify the newspaper catastrophe (yeah, I know it's not even on the scale, but everything is so over the top now, everything's a fucking catastrophe), however I left it too late: we do get some papers delivered but when I called to amend my order they told me they'd been overwhelmed with requests - 150 new accounts opened in the last week (I'm guessing a lot of people are ordering The Sun, Mail and Express in lieu (or should that be 'in loo?') of toilet paper) - that they'd had to place the order early in the week, with the consequence that next weekend is when my amended order will begin.

It's been touch and go on the Calluna Vulgaris front today, too: I was beginning to think I might have to call on the out of hours Nurses, but things seem to have settled down this evening (breathes a long sigh of relief and comes down from panic level 3), so we might at least make it to the normal week without incident. I hope. Fingers crossed. Just have to keep an eye on things.

Fortunately I've been called upon to shepherd some wine towards it's ultimate freedom (the sea), though by the rather circuitous route that begins at my lips and ends, well, let's just say, elsewhere. If nothing else this should make dinner easier to cook, especially as I have no excuse for drinking it other than, like Everest, it is just there.

Once I put down these fingers that are currently typing to you, a letter or three at a time, I shall begin the long and arduous journey from my office to the kitchen, where I will begin the marginally less strenuous process of emptying the dishwasher, with the assistance of Madame Vino and Monsieur Spotify. Smashing fun, indeed.

Not sure what Monsieur Spotify will be serving tonight, but the CD player has been in a bit of a daze, courtesy of The Orb's latest album 'Abolition of The Royal Familia', thus...


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