Lockdown Diary - Monday 30th March 2020

Started the day, as always, with press ups and bicep curl weight lifts, but with renewed purpose today: in about an hour I'll be doing my second yoga class over Zoom.  Same time as my usual Monday yoga class, except in my front room, televised and with added jeopardy in the form of furniture. Normally I can fall and be assured of a soft-ish landing, particularly as I am usually the only male in the class. (I should hasten to add I have never fallen on anyone yet)

Yoga online was good - no injuries or damaged furniture - I may even return for the early morning breathing session at 7am on Wednesday, assuming I can get my arse out of bed in time.

It's been an unexpectedly sociable day: I had a long call (we both really can talk!!!) with a friend in Germany, where things are pretty much as they are here; my sister phoned from Yorkshire to see how we all are and vice versa; then my father-in-law phoned from Merseyside, with one of his regular 'checklist' calls.

I also have to return a call to another more local friend and had a surprise message from someone who I thought had given up on me long ago.  Probably won't hear from them for another year again, but at least they are well, which is good to hear.

I've also been trying to catch up on the weekend's papers, or rather the books review supplement from the Guardian, plus read my regular pages from 'Finnegans Wake' (on page 358 of 493, so I'm way ahead of my target of 'finishing' this re-reading by the end of the year) and my poem of the week.

Realistically, I shan't read much more before bedtime now - I need my daily dose of loud music for starters and we must all convene to eat and watch a film or something on TV so we can have some time together.  This is beginning to become an established ritual in these uncertain times - it's good to do something together.

Talking of music, I've not given much thought to today's tune, but will pull something out of the hat I'm sure...oh yes, I know...

I heard this on the radio this morning, know nothing of the artist/band, but having listened to the song twice more, am falling under its spell...Jealous of the Birds and 'Ode to Fire'...

Back to work tomorrow, obvs WFH, but work nonetheless, so whether I'll manage another diary entry, who can tell, least of all me.  Work has turned out to be different to the plan every day for the past two weeks, so I'm sure tomorrow'll be no different.


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