Love, Poetry and Revolution - Thursday 7th December 2023

Last time I wrote I was on the verge. Or maybe the cusp.  Now I am there, in the next phase of my life. How does it feel? Let me count the ways...

To be honest it doesn't feel that different. Yet.  I'm no less busy. Probably the opposite. I've realised that there were so many things I should have been doing that I just put off until they became a problem, if they did.   I imagined I'd be doing away with the 'To-Do' list of my bullet journaling, instead, the list is longer as I have time to think (and see) what needs doing. I've certainly not felt the need to waste time.

I also think that retiring at the start of December is different.  December is a month which involves much preparation and organising. Not only that, but I have traditionally taken half the month as leave, which I had planned this year, in the event I hadn't retired. Combined, these factors make it feel very normal. I do feel different though. I feel as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders, or is slowly lifting, and it feels good. I feel good (cue James Brown).

I had a great week in Liverpool last week, which included a retirement celebration meal at my favourite Italian restaurant, Cucina di Vicenzo with Q and Φ.  A great evening which could have turned out very badly owing to a narrow escape from the 'new belt that cannot be undone' near-disaster.

The week also included a gig at the O2 Academy, the last tour date for the Ozric Tentacles and Gong joint tour. The atmosphere in the venue suggested that 'joint' was an apposite description.

More to the point it was bloody brilliant.  I've never seen the Ozrics live before and it was a joy. Music to lose yourself in. For the entire gig I was at the front of the stage leaning on the 'fence'. It is so good to be close enough to see the looks on the band member's faces, see their interactions and feel part of it.

Gong were 'headlining' and Kavus was on top form.  He always seems to be having a great time and enjoying every minute of being on stage. His enthusiasm and joy is very infectious and made me feel he was glad I was there.  I left before the end of Gong's set (I have seen them live quite a few times now) as I was getting a lift home with Q and Φ.  They had been at a performance of the Scottish play, starring Ralph Fiennes and we'd agreed that whichever finished first we'd go home together. I would gladly have attended a performance of said play, however I had booked the gig months ago, and really couldn't miss the opportunity to see the Ozrics and the two bands on the same bill. I believe they are touring again in March next year. I will go again.  When shall we three meet again? Outside the O2 Academy on a cold and wet evening.

Much more has happened, though nothing worth sharing with you all, excepting last night.  Last night I had my official leaving do in London. It wasn't well-attended, though those present (apart from me. son #1 and his gf) included a project manager I worked with for five or so years and, at the other end  of the spectrum (at least in terms of time at the company) was my reviewee.  It was the first time we'd physically met and it was good. After time at the pub, we headed for a Japanese barbecue down the road. An unforgettable culinary experience. Unfortunately it got very late!  We got the last fast train home from London and my head didn't hit the pillow until after 1 a.m., way past my bedtime.  It was a fun night though.  Poor turnout, but fun.  What more can you ask for on a cold winter evening?

Say She She /  'Don't You Stop'  / 'Silver'

[[I have no intention of doing so.]]


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