"We rest—a dream has power to poison sleep"

[Sunday 7th October 2018]

I like the marriage of darkness in the lyrics with the contrasting upbeat nature of the tune.  It could be the song for any of my days currently, not just yesterday, but as the tarot card "Death" signifies change so, perhaps, does this hint at something positive coming from the darkness.

It is absolutely wonderful to have Sarah Nixey back after a seven year break and to have a new solo album.  I’ve been a fan since I first heard her sing with the criminally underrated band, Black Box Recorder (BBR).  She has a glacially cool speaking and singing voice – I say ‘speaking’ because she intones and sings thee words on BBR songs like ‘Child Psychology’ and ‘The Facts of Life’. This song encapsulates all of that, and more.

There's an interview with Sarah on The Electricity Club site, just click here.

[Post title from verse III of 'Mutability' by Percy Bysshe Shelley]


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