Love, Poetry and Revolution - Friday 11th August 2023

Whatever happened to Thursday's blog post? You may well ask, or perhaps you haven't noticed and/or don't give a monkey's? Either way, this omission marks a change of approach to the blog.

I've decided that for me at least, the blog has become a bit dull. Feeling that I have to write something regardless of whether there's anything worth saying and also holding myself to the expectation that I write every day, no longer suits the way my life is changing.

So, henceforth I am not necessarily going to post every day, which will hopefully result in more interesting (??) posts. There may even be a shift in emphasis, that's something I'm mulling over.

Friday started well and ended with a trip to Speke to watch 'Barbie' preceded by dinner at Nando's. 

What did I think of the film? It's not going to enter my list of favourite films of all time, however, it was funny and I enjoyed it, in spite of the dance numbers.  I liked the opening 2001 spoof, there was some great dialogue, and a fine sense of irony throughout.  I had expected a more strongly feminist storyline, though I guess anything stronger would have caused mass apoplexy and foaming at the mouth in the USA.

The other notable aspect of this outing was that it was the first time Q and I have been to the cinema together.  The next film on my list is 'Oppenheimer', though, at three hours, the problem will be finding a showing that doesn't finish too late.

Todd Rundgren /  'Sweeter Memories'  / 'Something/Anything?'

[[This song is up there with my favourite songs.  The lyrics resonate and linger, the tune is great and the guitar-playing equally so.  As a song to pick you up, dust you down and get you moving forwards, this does it for me.]]


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