Love, Poetry and Revolution - Friday 4th August 2023

Today starts with a trip to the GP surgery for a blood test, with some food shopping and a trip to the pharmacy thrown in for added excitement.

All is going well, though I did have to wait for E's meds, but as I arrived home I got a call from one of the carers.  E's PEG tube has come out so they've had to plug it. They've alerted the GP surgery but I've taken a short cut and phoned the matron directly. He's called out the Abbott nurse and hopefully the PEG should be replaced in the next few hours because if her stomach seals up, the only solution is a trip to the hospital. 

The Abbot Nurse arrived just before lunch and, after a slightly worrying start, the PEG was replaced. We haven't had an 'emergency' like that in quite a while...

The morning was utterly disrupted, though I still managed to attend a couple of meetings, and so the afternoon was very busy as a consequence.

In the evening we all ate together and then watched an episode of 'Dreaming Whilst Black' before heading for Bedfordshire.

The weekend beckons! Yay!

The Jam /  'Carnation'  / 'The Gift'



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