Love, Poetry and Revolution -Thursday 24th August 2023

It's been a while since my last post, longer than I anticipated when I decided I didn't need to post daily. Since then, which was a little over a week ago, a lot has happened though quite a lot of it can't appear here.

Work has been especially busy as my work on the project is coming to an end.  Unusually, design uncertainties are increasing rather than decreasing as things wind down, which means I am doubly busy with new stuff as well as trying to ensure I wrap up and tidy all my documentation.

There's been lots of monitoring activity keeping me busy while I get to grips with the joys of SDR.  It's opened up a world of possibilities that inevitably come with new challenges including the need for better antenna or better-sited (higher, outdoor) antenna and RF filters on top of the RF amplifiers I've also required. The antenna issues are especially challenging when I'm in Liverpool, given the 'temporary' nature of my presence.  When I'm away I think I'm going to need a dedicated standalone laptop that can be sited upstairs, allowing me to site the antenna (temporary and probably not good enough for the job) upstairs too.

This week I'm in Liverpool ahead of a trip to Spain with Q, her daughter, her brother and his wife. Managing to do this has been quite a logistical undertaking, it being the first time I've been away from home for as long as two weeks (almost). Were it not for the support of the boys and the carers, this would not be possible and like all similar plans is only happening when it happens.  I explained to E that I would be away, where I would be going and with whom, in as much detail as appropriate.

Change is in the air.

BC Camplight /  'I'm Ugly'  / 'The Last Rotation of Earth'



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