Lockdown Diary - Friday 26th June 2020

The working week draws slowly to a close, going to be a busy day work-wise but I'm ready for it.

Friday always seems to be the day for calls at work: spent 4 hours of the day on calls! Interrupted by a phone call from the district nurse giving me a heads up that he'll be here in 10 minutes to change my wife's catheter. I told him I'll be wearing a mask and hiding in my office (not literally) and he confirms he knows where everything is, so he'll not need my help, which is cool.  We did speak a little, though keeping beyond 2 metres apart and both of us wearing a mask.

Work is like water. It seeps out and occupies every space and gap in the day, meaning I don't have time to read any of 'Ulysses' nor any time to listen to music properly by the time son #2 is starting to cook dinner. I have so much new music to listen to, I'm gonna need a couple of weeks off to catch up.

I have some heavy shit to lay on the brothers' heads tonight, let's hope I remain sober enough to be coherent. (I am typing this under the alfluence of incohol, but not under duress: I don't wear duresses. Generally.)

I'm watching The Cure live at Glastonbury last year as I type this, but will have to break for dinner. I do love The Cure.  One of the first gigs I went to with the woman that became my wife was The Cure at Olympia. The Cure have been a soundtrack to our lives and one of a fairly small, but select, group of artists we both love.

Had a long chat with the boys, too long for one, followed by another episode of 'Altered Carbon'. I'm getting this vague feeling that this series is slightly better than the last, though if I never saw another I don't think I'd miss it.

Listening to my main playlist on random play whilst emptying the dishwasher and this was first up.  At their best Public Enemy are hard to beat lyric-wise, this is 'Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos' from the album 'It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back'. There is a video that goes with this, but again I find it a distraction. The song speaks for itself.



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