Lockdown Diary - Monday 8th June 2020

Got up fairly early, but not early enough to go for a walk before the first carer call of the day. I'll try and go later, but I have yoga at 10, so I'm sure I'll not just be sat on my arse all day!

As I'm back to work tomorrow, I have to make the most of today and not fritter it away. 

Watched lesson 2 of 'Introduction to Psychedelics' on the history of psychedelics again, then decided it was time for more activity.  Went and walked briskly for 35 minutes - a bit busier late afternoon, several people who don't seem to understand what social distancing means. The worst culprits seem to be those on bikes or powered scooters, strange since they're in the best position to quickly move out and then back in again.

On my return home I was gasping for a drink, by which I mean water - too early for alcohol and the last thing you need straight after exercise.  I'm glad I got out as I'm feeling a bit hemmed in by all this lockdown, and the thought of what I'll have to do at work tomorrow is also adding to the stress levels.  It's obviously winding me up as I've had a background headache that's been weaving in and out of focus all day. 

In an attempt to focus the mind and put these negative things to the back of it, I'm going to do lesson three of the psychedelics course, titled 'Brain Imaging'.  Think I could do with a bit of that now. Or maybe just the psychedelics.

My life could do with the kind of shake-up that's not possible under lockdown, so if that's not going to happen, I could do with some other absorbing, but very different, distraction until life can resume. 

Headache is re-surfacing from the depths, so I'm going to take a break for a bit. Not much to say anyway.

Damn! Missed a call. I was supposed to be joining a quiz with friends from the book club tonight. Completely forgot about that.  I'm going to have to tell them I'll not be joining as I'm not up to quizzing tonight and feeling generally a bit low, so not good company either. 

Probably just watch TV with the boys and then go to bed.  

My brain is struggling to come up with anything really imaginative. What comes to mind, via Oranssi Pazuzu, is 'Niorum' by Demen from the album 'Nektyr'

[[Must be about time for a second album from Demen?]]



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