Lockdown Diary - Saturday 20th June 2020

Despite having a lousy night's sleep, due to the combination of taking the anti-depressant late and taking two antibiotics instead of one, which led to a lot of discomfort in my stomach, and in turn delayed me getting to sleep, I still managed to get out of bed at 6am.

Once I was up and dressed a sequence of chores began starting with shopping.  Shopping was brightened today by the return of the bread girls to the market, sadly I won't be able to visit for the next two weeks, at least, but it was good to have a chat and to buy their lovely bread and almond croissants. 

Returned home and got on with more chores before finally settling down to some breakfast.  Read the papers whilst finishing my coffee then got back on with the chores. Wall to wall excitement every day here. 

I'm not really sure where the day went, though there were brief periods in which I read more of 'The Binding', 'Ulysses' and Private Eye, though not enough to account for the entire day - guess that was down to chores.

Film night, and tonight's film, chosen by son #1, was the Korean film, 'Parasite', the one that won a load of Oscars. It was another birthday present and what an excellent film it turned out to be. Very funny and also full of surprises.  It was so good to watch a film with a different set of cultural references and from a wholly different mindset. Loved it.  

Film finished, I cleared up the dinner debris with son #2 and started getting ready for bed. I'm up early tomorrow to do 108 sun salutes (54 rounds) in honour of the Summer Solstice.  Never done that many, so it will be interesting and a nice challenge.

Just heard of some horrific incident in Reading, with a number dead and injured.  So far everyone I know who might have been out there is safe. Very sad news, Forbury Gardens is a haven of peace in the middle of town. My thoughts go out to all those affected.

Struggling to choose a song in light of the news. Something without words.  This is 'The Blue Blue Third' from Rip Rig + Panic's first album, 'God'.



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