Lockdown Diary - Wednesday 24th June 2020

Working Wednesday, yes, you read that right, which is boosted by the early morning yoga session.  The usual 30 minutes of breathing exercises to scare the carer, followed today, not by sun salutes (we've done a lot of those recently and the sun is really making its presence felt now) but by stretching exercises: the sorts of thing that medieval torture devices used to do, only for fun and self-inflicted. I jest (sticking with the medieval theme) - but at times the use of straps does seem to lend an air of something like that to it.

I haven't been out today, obviously, seeing as how I'm in total lockdown for the next two weeks. This means it has been a case of yoga, shower, breakfast, then sit at work laptop and work out what my priority for today is.

As the weather is perfect for drying, I've changed my bed today, washed it all and hung it out to dry. Result! Only thing is I'll have to make my bed in the evening. I hate that. Let's face it I hate all chores: I was meant for the hedonistic lifestyle with pleasure and enjoyment my only goals, just something went wrong somewhere - maybe a mix up at the maternity ward? Bastards!

First work item: prepare a presentation for the next team call. That took most of the morning, but at least it's done now.  Next I've got to work out my training priorities: Azure, AWS, or GCP? Decisions, decisions.

A couple of friends messaged me which brightened the day. One friend asked if I'd heard of the band Sea Girls, which I haven't, but with the accompanying words, 'They might be a bit too poppy for you'.  Another band to check out. I'm reliably informed there are no girls in Sea Girls, which is disappointing, though not as disappointing as finding out that Johnny Cash didn't have a dime to spare. 

A couple of friends were sorry to hear of the sad news of 'A' - he generally made an impression on everyone he met - and it has brought some great memories back to me.  I'm especially reminded of a meal in a Chinese restaurant in Ealing, way back when. It was Valentine's Day and there was a table of 10 or 12 of us, maybe more, whereas every other table was couples. A very drunken evening with 'A', other friends from Elizabeth Arden and two crazy American women from Atlanta, Georgia. So much laughter, so much fun. So many good times. Damn and damn again.

Another evening without a music session, though I did listen to some songs by Sea Girls. Songs were all perfectly OK. Nothing really stood out though. Vocalist OK, but nothing really distinctive about his voice. Playing was fine, but again, so what. Lyrics, nothing really hit me. I'm guessing they're in the process of releasing their first full album, may give it a listen, given my mate's heads up, but not expecting great things.

Chatted about music and some bands with son #1 as we went about tidying stuff in the kitchen.  He was listening to Idles, who are pretty good, especially their last album.

We all watched the first two episodes of 'Staged' with messrs Tennant and Sheen (or should that be Sheen and Tennant? 😅 ), which were funny.  I then made the mistake of suggesting we watch episode 1 of series 2 of 'Altered Carbon', I was too tired by then and slept through bits of it (not being that interested doesn't help), which we did.  Ultimately if we are to watch both series, I want it over as soon as.

Bins! Glorious bins! (Sung to the tune of 'Food! Glorious food!' from the musical 'Oliver!' (How is it my brain is filled with these damn musical tunes which I hate?  I must have been subjected to extreme brainwashing as a child 😉  ('Ineluctable modality of the audible'?))

Today calls for some full-on, headlong rush to oblivion: Ty Segall with 'The Crawler' from the album 'Manipulator'



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