Lockdown Diary - Thursday 4th June 2020

I had intended to start the day with an early morning walk, but, to be frank, I was tired, I couldn't be arsed, so I didn't. I enjoyed a lie-in, for a change.

I got up before the first carer call, though, and started getting set up for work and breakfast. The carer arrived and we chatted whilst she went about the medication and PEG bits and pieces. After she left I went off and showered, did my exercises and got dressed.

Breakfast next, and that all important cup of coffee, before settling down at the laptop to continue documenting the design.

I had an early morning call with my friend in Berlin (not so early for him) and we discussed Trump, Johnson, Cummings and the lockdown differences between Germany and the UK. Having set the world right, or rather commiserated on just how bad things are and where they seem to be heading, we ended the call and I got on with work.

Work took centre stage for the rest of the day, as it always does, Tuesday to Friday, punctuated today by carer calls, a visit from the Community Matron, and a couple of calls with work colleagues.

I have a hard stop at 6pm tonight as I am joining The Idler 'Drinks with...', tonight featuring Kamin Mohammadi, an Iranian now living in Florence (via London), talking about the Italian way of life and Roger Phillips, who is an expert on foraging and mushrooms in particular.  Great conversation touching on St. Augustine, Florence, Psilocybin, Public Enemy and much much more. These conversations are so invigorating that I'll miss them when lockdown ceases and they go back to being in London, in person. 

As I type now, dinner is under way: son #2 has done most of it though I helped prep the veg and clear up in the kitchen.  

Next week is 'Carers Week' and I've just finished writing an article for my company's intranet site about the reality of being a carer and working as an IT Consultant (boo, hiss). It's way too long, yet I left out so much, so it'll need reviewing - my sons can have first go, then one of the carers tomorrow. After that I'll forward it to the person who asked me to write it. She can edit it down further, if she wants to, though, foolishly, she did tell me to write what I wanted.

Son #2 has been playing the Kali Uchis album 'Isolation' a lot lately.  It was one of my favourite albums of 2018, so it's good to see he's catching up 😉 Hard to choose just one track, but today I'm going for 'Tomorrow'😛, which was co-written and produced by Kevin Parker / Tame Impala.



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