Lockdown Diary - Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Managed to get out of bed early and go for a walk - 36 minutes brisk walking according to the NHS app. When I got home carer was due imminently, so rather than shower I got my work stuff set up and did a bit of an office tidy up. I won't have time to complete it until after work, but at least I have made a start.

As I sit down at my desk and laptop to begin work, I look out the window at the blue sky and sunlit back garden, and think 'I am missing out on this.' Worse still the good weather is not set to last beyond today. Oh well.

Work has really dominated the day, though a CD was popped through my letter box in the morning that I'm looking forward to hearing later today.  Some old school friends have re-formed their band and released a new EP, 34 years since the last one, they being The Complaints with their suitably titled EP, 'When Shall We Three Meet Again?'.  

Listened to the EP and was impressed: Four excellent tracks, great energetic playing and singing (not forgetting Lead Tambourine) and strong lyrics. Hopefully more to come from them!

Shameless plug over, what else did I get up to?

Oh yes, before dinner I watched the rest of the documentary, 'What's The Matter With Tony Slattery?'  This is a really moving, informative and thought-provoking documentary about how mental health issues, often undiagnosed, allied with addiction problems can rip a life apart. It is hard to watch at times but also difficult not to, then about 80% of the way through the programme, Tony drops the nuke.  It is very raw, honest and unflinching, but should be watched.

When we all gathered together, sons arriving from (three of) the four corners of the universe (house), we watched the penultimate episode of 'Killing Eve'.  I still enjoy it, but do wonder if they should make a fourth series?  I think it needs a dramatic finale.

After that, the usual, closing the day out with this week's poem and a little of next months book club book, 'The Binding'. 

I'm going to close with another of Reading's finest: Son #1 came in to my office and asked me what 'Shoegaze' was. I gave this song as an example. The discussion moved on to Vapourwave and Yacht Rock, but we'll save that for another time.  Here are Slowdive with the soaring 'Star Roving' from their most recent album, imaginatively titled 'Slowdive' (For all you trainspotters out there, this also features on the FIFA 18 soundtrack)



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