Lockdown Diary - Sunday 14th June 2020

A few boring chores to do, but mostly I intend to chill today. Read the papers.  Listen to some music. Read 'The Binding'. Message some friends and family. Knock up a compilation CD. That sort of thing.

Sons #1 and #2 are walking to Henley today, with friends. I have mixed feelings about it, but they'll be outdoors and socially distancing.  They know how much of a risk Coronavirus is to their mum, so I trust them.  I must admit I'm envious. I'd like to go on a walk with friends, but for the above reason and because my operation is scheduled now, I can't take a chance.  In another week I'll be totally locked down for the two weeks that follow. 

With sons #1 and #2 away for much of the day it was very quiet, even son #3 was quieter than usual.

Somewhere in the midst of all this quiet there was a lot of thinking about the long term impact of all this isolation.  Not really worked out anything coherent yet. You'll be the first to know when I've something to say, but then again it may not be fit to print. Who knows?

When the wandering sons returned, they were knackered. They'd walked about 40km, which is not an outrageous distance, but a fair way if you're not a regular walker.  Not to mention trainers.  Trainers feel comfortable for everyday use, but over distances like that you need walking boots etc. They will recover and learn from it.

Consequently when it came to making dinner, son #2 was mostly a bystander, though to give him his due he did prep and cook the spinach. Reckon they'll both sleep in tomorrow.😉

Watched the 3rd episode of 'Altered Carbon' and you'll be pleased to hear that the nipple count has dropped off a cliff. Episode 3 was one of those holding episodes which don't advance the story much, in fact the main action was at the end, ready for episode 4. All this adds up to one thing: the jury's still out.  I'm not gripped but equally I'm not uninterested in knowing what happens next. Visually it is impressive, but ultimately that's not enough, it needs a story to match.

Today's track was chosen from the off. I've been interested in Finland's Oranssi Pazuzu since I heard their 2016 album 'Värähtelijä'. Over the past couple of weeks I've heard tracks from their latest album 'Mestarin Kynsi', which I'm led to believe translates as 'The Master's Claw'.  This is the opening song, 'Ilmestys'. There is something both compelling and invigorating about their songs - this may be at the edges of Black Metal, but I like it.



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