Lockdown Diary - Monday 22nd February 2021

Restless start to Monday.  Chatting to early morning carer and seeking her advice.  After that the usual getting up process.

I don't know how the morning got used up, but it did, and culminated in a meditation session, during which I got a message which hopefully indicates some level of progress, though one can never tell.

In the afternoon my focus was on finishing the book club novel 'Where The Crawdads Sing', which I managed to do, a week early.  This should, all other things being equal, give me time to read other stuff I want to read.

Son #3 and I make dinner, son #2 being on his training course until 10 p.m. UK time.

Only three of us for dinner and so no 'Mr. Robot', instead we watch Frankie Boyle, before the usual wind down.

Heard this for the first time in ages this evening and it still sounds brilliant - Tears For Fears with 'Sowing The Seeds Of Love' from the album 'The Seeds of Love'



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