Lockdown Diary - Monday 8th February 2021

Although I have more time on Monday's to spend however the mood takes me, I am missing doing yoga and am looking forward to the time when I can restart.  Tomorrow I'll be one step close as I'm due to have my ultrasound scan at hospital in the morning.  One thing it does give me time to do is catch up on the weekend's papers, so the plan is at some point that I do that, though I have decided to do one reasonably large chore today, at the very least.

I've stripped my bed, ready to change it later, and the next exciting step is to start washing the bedding. Looks like another day of fun ahead.

First wash on, time to get on with reading the papers!

Lunchtime arrives and son #3 and I start making it after which he returns to his PC and I eat while reading more of the papers.

After lunch I knock up another seasonal compilation CD for a friend, before things take a more ponderous direction. I obviously have too much time on  my hands as I'm pondering one of those eternal questions. I thinking that there's a strange contradiction at the heart of how we interact with other people. On the one hand the beauty of other people is that we never quite know how anything we say or do will be received or how they will respond to it. Nevertheless when we take an action which we hope will have a certain outcome or provoke a certain reaction, we are disappointed if it doesn't result in what we had hoped for or intended.  That is one of life's mysteries as well as being one of its most painful truths. I'm drifting in and out of zone today.

I manage to persuade sons 2 and 3 to help me re-make my bed, including turning the mattress.  As I'm still not supposed to be doing any heavy lifting they get to do most of the hard work, whilst I sort pillows out and offer words of advice / encouragement. 

I start dinner again tonight, being joined by son #3, who takes over the vegetable prep whilst I get on with the rest.  Once dinner is ready we're all together for the first time today as we sit down to watch another episode of 'Mr. Robot'.

Conscious that tomorrow is a working day and I'm due to head off to hospital before 9 a.m., I figure it's time to retire. Bad light having stopped play.

To be honest I could listen to Róisín Murphy reading the phone directory all day as I love her speaking voice as much as her singing.  This song is from her 2007 solo album 'Overpowered' and is rattling around my brain at the moment owing to compilation-fever. The song being 'Let Me Know' and the video being found below. Not only do I love her voice but she's also very easy on the eye, simply mesmerising in this video. (Breaking all my own rules! After all the only point in having rules is to break them 😉 )



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