Lockdown Diary - Thursday 23rd July 2020

Another post, another visit to hospital - this time to A&E, early in the morning. Woke up feeling that things weren't right and decided I ought to take the doctor's advice and head in to the hospital.

After being processed by A&E and having made it clear that I'd been told I must see a urology doctor, I was swiftly transferred to my favourite part of the hospital, the Surgical Admissions Unit (SAU) up in the lofty eyrie that is the third floor of South Block. [SAU is an incredibly busy place during the day - I thought it was bad enough during the night, but that's nothing compared to the day!] 

The next paragraph is boring medical detail that I'm recording for my own benefit, if for no one else - so feel free to skip it.

Got seen by my consultant/surgeon and another urology doctor. Had a long chat with my consultant, discussed what I was experiencing and after I'd explained in detail, he agreed to defer inserting a catheter for now, do one more test, check for infection and prescribe a drug that would help ensure my prostate wasn't interfering in things. It was also agreed that we'd bring forward my next appointment with the consultant. After drinking loads of water and coffee kindly fetched by the nurses, I managed to produce the required output.  No infection, two consecutive bladder scans (number 97 and 98 in an infinite series) with a further trip to the loo between, and the urology doctor and I were pleased as some sensation and muscle power seemed to be returning to my bladder.

Whilst I was sat in SAU, who should pop her head round the corner but the nurse who'd looked after me the day after surgery, and during my Tuesday unplanned overnight stay, here I was again, she took one look at me and said 'You again!' with a laugh.

I ought to register a thanks to everyone who's looked after me during this week from the nurses (too many to name) to the urology doctors and consultant: without exception the care and attention to my welfare has been exemplary. Much love and thanks to you all 💗

Got home from hospital just after midday - managed to squeeze in a quick visit to my sister, who works at the hospital near the onsite pharmacy, whilst I was waiting to collect my new drugs - it was nice to see her especially as we both realised this was the first time we'd physically met this year.  What a bloody year!

When I got home I had to get my head in order because the Occupational Therapist (OT) from Social Services was already there to check out my wife's special chair whilst she was hoisted into it by the carers.  Lots of things to take in and also a discussion about applying again for CHC funding (a thought that takes me back to our last attempt over 2 years ago now, which was one of the factors in my derailment that year, and the thought of which sends chills down my spine, even now) for my wife.

After they'd all left, I felt absolutely drained.  I don't know why I feel so tired, I've done sod all, all week - no exercise, no work, not a bloody thing.

Despite feeling tired, I couldn't drop off to sleep, not even during meditation, but somehow time passed and it was 6 p.m. and time for the Idler Drinks.  Tonight's features Tristan Gooley, who is a 'Natural Navigator' and Bill Anderson who keeps bees in London.  Two fascinating talks with a thought-provoking opening chat on the Neowise comet, and beyond, from resident philosopher, Mark Vernon. Interesting though it was, my tiredness was really kicking in, and at times I had to stifle a yawn - not through boredom, just sheer exhaustion.

After that it was time to help son #3 prep the vegetables for dinner - I did the aubergine and he did the kohl rabi - once we'd got everything in the oven I started getting set up for the live stream of Nick Cave at Alexandra Palace, titled 'Idiot Prayer'.  Tried to access the stream via the TV's web browser, but it was not working and without a keyboard was really painful to do.  Next thing we tried was to directly mirror my phone screen onto the TV, which after a bit of delay, worked, thanks to some help from son #2. Luckily, though they said it was a live stream and you couldn't rewind it, in practice, you could, so we did.  

It was a really good set and his piano playing and singing were on fine form. One or two songs could have done with the Bad Seeds playing as well - he's such a lively performer that restricting him to the piano, means he doesn't fully express himself with the physicality he normally has on stage.  I guess it was not unlike the 'Conversations With' tour I was lucky enough to attend last year, but without the talking and audience participation. Wouldn't have missed it for the World, though earlier in the day, I thought I might.

Crazy though it may seem, despite feeling really drained, it took me ages to get to sleep. I was too tired to read for long, yet also unable to sleep. Eventually I drifted off, brain fire dying down to glowing embers.

My brain is still awash with Nick Cave, and so choosing a song for the post is easy. There were lots of highlights in tonight's set - 'Far From Me', 'Higgs Boson Blues', 'Jubilee Street', 'Stranger Than Kindness' and many more - in the end I've chosen 'Brompton Oratory' from 'The Boatman's Call'



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