Lockdown Diary - Sunday 30th August 2020
Unusually sons 1 and 2 are up before me, getting showered and bathed before they go. They are due to be picked up at 8:30 for their journey to the Lake District. Sensibly they had already packed, which was just as well, given that one son, who shall remain numberless, only managed to be out of the shower a minute or two before 8:30. Luckily for him their driver was running a bit late and had phoned ahead. At about twenty to nine their lift arrived and we said our goodbyes before they headed off to pick up another friend - there are 8 of them going in total - two cars of 4 people. It's going to be a quiet few days without them. I spent the day in the usual mix of chores and stuff, managing to find time to read 'The Observer', some of 'Ulysses' and, for the first time in a few weeks, another chapter from ' Hawkwind: Days of the Underground: Radical Escapism in the Age Of Paranoia' - once I've got to the end of reading the title, I'm too tired to rea...