Lockdown Diary - Thursday 20th August 2020

Another early start for my 8 a.m. training course and also because I want to be ready before the cleaner gets here, so I can get her to do my office first.

Well, that plan didn't quite work out - cleaner arrived at 10 to 7!!! Keen or what!! I'd almost finished getting ready, but not quite, so slight change of plan.

Back on track again: I'm ready, breakfast is eaten and I'm logged in to the online course, ready to start. I think I'm going to be pretty much head down on this course again today, so I doubt I'll have much to say here.

Course over for another day! This is such an intensive course - I'm sure it needs four days rather than three!

One thing I have to get done are the cards for my father-in-law's 90th birthday - one from my wife (written by me) and one from me (also written by me!) I need to post them tomorrow to ensure they get to him on time.

It's son #1's  girlfriend's last evening with us this week, so they've popped to the pub for a drink before dinner.  Knowing #1 they'll cut it fine and return home to dinner just as it has been served 😉

Me and son #3 are doing dinner tonight, and as we have a backlog of vegetables to eat I decided to get started on prepping onions, sweet peppers and courgettes to make into a ratless-ratatouille (by which I mean no tomato) along with French Beans (not much preparation with those).

Usual evening food and 'The Umbrella Academy' and, as I have to do this course malarkey all over again tomorrow, I need to get to bed early. How humdrum it has become. 

John Cale with 'Ship of Fools' from the album 'Fear'. Came up on random play the other evening and in the meantime he's been patiently waiting for his turn.



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