Lockdown Diary - Sunday 9th August 2020

Planning a quiet Sunday, catching up on reading the papers from yesterday and today.

Breakfast was the traditional Sunday almond croissant, washed down with a decent cup of coffee.

A few minor chores to do, including the usual, but can't be bothered to write any more about it.  It's a very humid day and certainly not a day for doing much beyond my normal daily exercise. There'll be plenty of that tomorrow.

Had a call from my father-in-law and his wife: usual conversation / interrogation.

In reality the chores seem to have taken up more time than I'd intended, but I have managed to read all that I planned to from the papers, as well as a couple more pages of 'Ulysses'.  I need to find some time to read more of the book club novel, 'Kindred', as I'd like to finish it early.

Managed to listen to a few tunes before dinner time, but I didn't have enough time to listen to an entire album.

Over / after dinner we watched another episode of the latest series of 'The Umbrella Academy', which was pretty good. This series is set in Dallas in 1963, several before the shooting of President Kennedy, with some interesting social commentary sub-story lines too.

After that to bed, in the hope of sleep, aided by the fan a-blowing.

I'd chosen this song before I'd written any of the above: it was played on BBC 6 Music as I was exercising this morning and I was entranced. It's by someone (I think it's a person alone) who goes by the name of Sun Cutter. The song is called 'Daylight Star'. Cometh the hour, cometh the man.



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