Lockdown Diary - Monday 10th August 2020

Slept really badly, or so it felt. Seemed to be constantly in dreams, so when the alarm went off it was a struggle to wrestle myself out of the fog. A shower is a cure for that!

Monday morning now starts with 45 minutes of mindful meditation at 7:30 a.m., courtesy of Talking Therapies.  Followed that with 10 or 15 minutes walking, before getting organised for 75 minutes of yoga starting at 10:00.

Yoga was really hot and sweaty, so I had to get cleaned up and changed after, then it's time to sit down and get a bunch of appointments sorting: need to order to PEG feeding stuff for my wife, book an eye and contact lens check and book my car in for a service.  No doubt the last two will have a load or questions or restrictions owing to the Coronavirus situation. Ho hum.

At around midday son #1 returned home with his girlfriend who is staying with us for a few days.  I always enjoy a lively household - never a dull moment. 

After two variants on the Spanish Inquisition, which I was expecting, I managed to arrange my eye test and car service. Excitement in abundance.

Over the weekend I read two reviews of Ali Smith's latest and final novel in her four seasons series, namely 'Summer'. To set the scene, I quote from Alex Preston's review in The Observer, "A vast and dizzyingly ambitious project - each book is written and published in just a few months - the novels seek to be as up to date as it is possible for literature to be." I've decided I'm going to read them all, in sequence, starting with 'Autumn' which was published in October 2016. 

We all had lunch while watching an episode of 'South Park, which is fast becoming a ritual on non-working days.

A few boring bits to do in the afternoon but also time to finish the 'Lestrygonians' chapter of 'Ulysses', and also more of 'Kindred'.

Son #1 and his girlfriend are off out for a meal, so it'll just be three of us at dinner tonight.  Son #3 and I start making dinner, deciding which veg to have then prepping it. Owing to the complications which arise when we watch something without son #1, the three of us decided to watch an old episode of 'Peep Show' and chat.  

During the post-dinner clearing up process son #1 and gf return, having had an enjoyable meal out.  After a bit of a chat and discussion of the menu and what they had, we parted company.

Off to bed to read and not sleep, but most likely dream. Weird dreams. Probably.

Suddenly seem to have a glut of musical choices. I heard this when playing my mega-playlist on random, and enjoyed it so much that it's here. This is 'The Eccentric' from Amgala Temple's album, 'Invisible Airships'  



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