Lockdown Diary - Wednesday 5th August 2020

It's going to be another one of those busy work days today, and likely to be the case for the rest of the week, too.  I am hoping to finish earlier today, though no guarantees. I'll just have to see how it goes.

I did start the day at 7 a.m. with the yoga pranayama session followed by a few rounds of surya namaskar and then hurriedly showered and got breakfast so I could start work at 8:30 a.m.

From that point on it was work, with a capital 'W'.

It's about 7:30 p.m. now and it looks like I can stand down for today, at least.

I just managed to write a review of the book we discussed on Monday, 'My Sister, The Serial Killer', on goodreads.  Something of a habit now.

Tonight is the legendary, but widely dreaded, bin night, though the less said about that the better. So that's it.

I'm guessing we're going to watch the last episode of 'Good Omens' tonight, it's labelled as series 1, though I have no idea if there's any intention for a second series or if the novel(s?) call for it.

We did indeed watch the last episode of 'Good Omens' over pizza, seemingly, given the ending, there won't be a second series, or at least, there doesn't need to be one.  It may well have been successful and popular (especially with Gaiman/Pratchett fans), but all too often people are tempted to write a sequel on the strength of that popularity, and in many cases those sequels aren't as good and spoil the memory of the first series. I gather in this case the book from which the series was developed is a one-off, so it would seem fitting to leave it as it is.

Bins, books, bed/sleep.

'Empathy for the Devil' seems to fit with the 'Good Omens' them, so her it is. oh, and it's from Tim Burgess' recent solo album 'I Love The New Sky'  



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