Lockdown Diary - Friday 28th August 2020

I had a lie-in until about 7 a.m. as it's the last day of my leave, but I was up for the first carer call just after 7, then after she'd left I got on with showering, exercising, getting dressed and having breakfast.

I have various things to organise, not least to make sure son #3 has actually thought about what he needs for university, which potentially he starts 3 weeks from today (I say potentially because things are not yet finalised, but it's looking like he'll be starting on our wedding anniversary)

Apart from that I'm going to revise the next module of the Mulesoft training course, which I hope will take no longer than an hour.

Cripes! The morning has gone and I have no idea how I've used it all up.  Sons 2 and 3 are making lunch - bacon and eggs today - and son #1 and his gf are up and about.

We watched an episode of 'Peep Show' over lunch then split up to do whatever we had to do.

Fully recharged by lunch, I'm going to tackle Mulesoft now.  Radio silence.

Two hours later! That was a helluva chapter / module: so much for giving up one hour of my holiday 😖

After that I decided to take a break by making a concerted effort - interruptions notwithstanding - to finish the novel 'Kindred'.  I got within 50 pages of the end, but I'll have to plan to finish it tomorrow.  I'm getting the feeling it's not heading towards a happy ending, or, at the very least, the lead characters won't come out it seriously damaged physically and mentally. There are no happy endings in real life, so I guess in that respect it'll be pretty realistic. 

The evening is going to be a bit of a 'revolving doors' scenario.  Son #3 is off out to a party and I'm taking son #1 and his gf to the station so she can return home and get up for work at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow.

Dinner was just me and sons 1 and 2, so we couldn't watch any of 'The Bridge' without son #3, so we watched some crime documentary instead. Not something I'd bother to watch under normal circumstances

The Cure. '100 Years'. From the album 'Pornography'.



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