Lockdown Diary - Tuesday 25th August 2020

Today has been a working day, so I've not had much time to write anything or think about anything much other than work.

Added to which I had to take my car in for a service - its first service - which has squeezed what little spare time I had available, at least until the evening.

I've arranged a call my mate in Berlin for later in the week, via a quick email exchange, other than that I've been working on my two main tasks.  I have the rest of the week off before I start on a new assignment next week.  

Once was work was over and all the admin completed, I grabbed some time to listen to music and tonight's fare was: Dennis Wilson; Red House Painters; and David Sylvian.  I really need about three solid days to listen to music (not that I could actually do that) as I have quite a backlog: 18 new / unheard albums (7 of which were released in 2020) alongside eight others from my collection that I have an urge to listen to.  (Damn! Figures are wrong, there are several other unheard albums, but I can't be bothered to count them) Dinner stopped play! New balls! 

We - three sons, me plus son #1's gf - sat down and watched the final episode of series 2 of 'The Umbrella Academy' - it was a great final episode

Something a bit more upbeat compared to the selections over the last few days: Wolf Alice with 'Giant Peach' from the album 'My Love Is Cool'.  Tragically the video is one of those diabolical ones that attempt to 'tell a story' around the song, though I guess at least in this case in part it's a story about them playing live in some dive - there are many far worse. As it's the only official copy I can find then this is the one you get. 

[Music videos may or may not be an art form in their own right, however for me, it's the music that counts not some stoopid story which attempts to limit the narrative around the song. Sermon over. Back in my box.]

[[The opening minute, or so, of intro should be played very loud]]



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