Lockdown Diary - Sunday 27th December 2020

Christmas is over - sort of! I don't go back to work until next year, so I'm still on leave for a while yet.  Christmas food is still not over yet, either. Despite cutting down on what we buy, there's still food left that is notionally Christmas food, though of course food is just food, at least from a utilitarian perspective.

Today will be the last day of turkey - I have found a casserole recipe which cooks in one pot - I reckon it sounds like a tasty way to finish the turkey. The turkey fed four of us for three meals, which is pretty good for something only meant to feed nine people (we were expecting at least one guest).  Not only that buy by my calculation we have enough food to last until our next shopping delivery which could mean that I'll not have to go to the shops until Saturday. Right now that feels like the safest option.

Today will mostly be spent catching up on the chores I'd normally do on a Saturday, though with the intention to read The Observer and what's left of yesterday's paper.  I'm also planning to go for a walk with whichever sons are amenable to a bit of outdoor exercise.

One thing that will slightly warp today's plans is that son #3 is due to take part in a Rocket League tournament online this evening, so after he's eaten dinner, only sons 1 and 2 will be available for shared evening viewing.

I'm reminded that I need to buy a download of Asian Dub Foundation's single 'Coming Over Here' (featuring Stewart Lee) as part of a bid to make it the number one single on New Year's Day as a two-fingered salute to Brexit. Here's hoping!

Late afternoon, as the sun was beginning it's descent towards the horizon, sons 2 and 3 joined me for an invigorating local walk. We walked a reasonably large circular route taking 40 minutes at speed, door to door, interrupted at the start by bumping into some friends.  We should do another, longer, walk before the break is over.

On returning I spent a little time doing this and that before starting to listen to one of albums Santa got me for Christmas.  Most of the way through Julianna Barwick's 'Healing is a Miracle' I was interrupted by the arrival of the evening carers.  Once they had completed their tasks I found that I no longer felt like listening to music, the mood had been destroyed.  Time to start making the casserole.

After stripping the turkey carcass of usable meat, I began cubing it, roughly.  I was most impressed as it was the first time I'd manage to use my new carving knife without adding part of me to the mix - no blood, no skin.  Clearly on a roll, but not getting overly cocky, I decided to wash the knife, dry it and put it away whilst I was still on top.  As I'd also just liberated some wine from a new bottle, I thought putting the knife away now would ensure I didn't get too chilled and think I should audition for a knife-throwing act or some such. That way disaster lies.

We all ate the casserole together after which son 3 departed to start his competition.  The rest of us watched 'White Riot' an excellent documentary film about Rock Against Racism which I'd already seen but which son #1, in particular, wanted to see.

We had a brief interlude whilst we served a rather large chocolate fondant which took an hour to heat up, we ate it with cream whilst we watched the end of the documentary.

Thanks to getting out of the house today has been a good day and I ascend the stairs with the intention of reading before sleeping. 

A song that needs no introduction.  The Clash. 'London Calling' from the album of the same name.



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