Lockdown Diary - Tuesday 8th December 2020

Tuesday is my Monday, in that it is the start of my working week.  This week is noteworthy in that it should be my last working week of the year. I have mixed feelings about this, given the state of my mind of late.  If I can quote The Stranglers, which I think I can, 'Something Better Change'.

Be that as it may, to the matter in hand, work.

This week is going to be incredibly busy, so I don't there will be many more words today.

...and I was not wrong, it has been a heads down, facing the monitors, sort of day.

Work ran into the evening a little, so time to make dinner seem to come around rather quickly.

Son #2 did most of the work whilst I got on with a few Christmas preparation items, such as wrapping a book for the book club secret Santa, ready for posting tomorrow.

The clans gathered for dinner and to watch another episode of 'The Haunting of Hill House', which was followed by another haunting in the form of a programme about Margaret Thatcher. I had forgotten the horrors. Very disturbing, though it did provide a stark contrast and reminder of what a shower of shit the current Conservative Party is.

Before Frank Zappa's name took centre stage, this is The Mothers of Invention with 'Hungry Freaks, Daddy' from the album 'Freak Out'



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