Lockdown Diary - Tuesday 1st December 2020

After yesterday's fun and games a day of work and relative calm, or so I hope.

As it is a working day I'm probably not going to have much time to write, not to mention less to say.

I have various things to do for work, but mid-way through the day I get an invite to a meeting at 5 p.m.: I think this means that things are about to get exceptionally busy.

So much to do at work today that I didn't get time to go for a walk, hopefully I can get a walk in tomorrow.

My five o'clock meeting overran it's allotted 30 minutes and does indeed mean that things are going to go crazy from tomorrow.

Part way through my call the evening carers arrive, and, as luck would have it, they need help.  The connection from the pump to the PEG feeding tube has been over tightened and they can't open it.  They manage to enlist the help of sons #1 and 2, but neither of them can free it. Once the call finishes I have a go and luckily after a couple of attempts I manage to unlock it. Tomorrow I'm going to have to have a word with the person who tightened it as it's not the first time - not only that but my wife's new PEG has a different connection which is not replaceable. If it's broken, the whole tube, right into her stomach, must be replaced. Great fun. Not.

We need to start dinner early as we have a beef joint - quite a rarity - which takes a while to cook.  Son #2 and I start on the preparation of the meat and the accompaniments. Part way through I notice the kitchen floor is very wet: a quick bit of Holmes-ian deduction leads us to a leak in the under sink waste pipework.  Joy! Having clearly identified where it's leaking by pouring more water down the sink (and onto the floor).

Dinner is now ready so contacting a plumber will have to wait.  We watch the final two episodes of 'Two Weeks To Live'. The series ends in a way that could lead to a second series or could just be the end, admittedly with a number of dangling threads and a lot of corpses.  If there were a second series, I don't think it would work as well because the main character now knows the truth: much of the humour arose from the fact that she had a completely different world view, which has now been dispelled. Oh, well, it'll no doubt come down to money and viewing figures.  On balance I think they should leave it as it is, but if there is a second series I'd probably watch it.

Plumber.  After dinner I email the plumber we have used most recently and see if he can visit.  Amazingly he responds almost immediately and we arrange a visit for tomorrow lunchtime. No guarantee of fixing it, but at least he'll have a go.

The end (for today, at least)

George Clinton has been a musical innovator for the best part of 50 and more years, both through his bands Funkadelic, Parliament and their offshoots, as well as his solo albums.  A lot of rap artists have sampled his work and had hits off the riffs in his back catalogue - Kendrick Lamar paid back this debt in part by having him guest on one of the tracks from 'To Pimp A Butterfly'. From his solo work, this is 'Do Fries Go With That Shake' from the album 'R&B Skeletons in the Closet' 



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