Lockdown Diary - Saturday 5th December 2020

Strap yourselves in for a roller coaster ride of activity today, starting with the usual early morning food shopping run, which has to be slightly earlier than usual as I need to get back for a half day guided meditation session. Full marks to son #1, who stepped up to the mark and was ready in tie to leave a bit earlier.

Home, shopping over, time to put all the food away, eat breakfast and drink coffee ready for meditation, which has a 9:30 for 10:00 start. Even with the early shop, I only managed to get in to the session at ten to ten, which was fine, except that for some strange reason, though they could see my video, throughout the session I couldn't see theirs, so only had sound.  Luckily that's enough for most guided meditations, though it was a good job I do yoga, as the guided mindful movement section would have been tricky were it not for the fact that I knew the movements already.

It wasn't the best meditation I've ever done as I was distracted by the lack of video (had this overwhelming desire to try and fix it) and the other things happening today.

After meditation was over, I gradually transitioned back to the real world as in less than an hour I'm off to pick son #3 up from university and bring him and lots of his stuff home.  No doubt that will include washing, so I have delayed doing the washing until he gets home.  It's always good to have something to look forward to.

Setting off for university with son #2, I am surprised to find the satnav saying there will be a 20 minute delay on the journey, which is not that impressive since it normally takes only 10 to 15 minutes. As the satnav proposes an alternate route, I suddenly remember why the traffic is so bad - the M4 is closed here this weekend and all the traffic is going across and around the town.
When finally we arrived outside his flats, in the parking spot we'd had to book and pay for (these private companies that provide services to universities know how to screw money out of people), there was only one other person collecting their child, which was a surprise.  It took us about 20 minutes or so to get his stuff out and pack the car, then home the back way, trying to avoid the worst of the traffic which was mostly going the opposite way now, thankfully.

Today has one other thing in store (if I ignore the chores) which is the delivery of our Christmas trees.  The only expectation is that they will be delivered 'in the afternoon'.  Luckily, given son #1 has been asleep ever since breakfast, I was a bit concerned they'd attempt delivery whilst we were out and he'd not hear the front door, but luckily their delivery was nearer 6 p.m., during the final carer call of the day.  Trees delivered, all missions for the day accomplished.  Probably going to leave putting the trees up until tomorrow, especially as that means decorating them as well.

I have so much left still to organise for Christmas (like some presents for people would be good, though I do already have two for my wife) that my head is reeling a bit, but...onwards and upwards.

Yep, it's movie night again and, as 'guest of honour', it falls to the returning son, numero trois, to choose.  He's gone with 'The Men Who Stare at Goats', which stars George Clooney, Ewan McGregor and Jeff Bridges.  Let's see what we have in store...

Another winner from my sons, an amusing film, with Jeff Bridges playing a role not that dissimilar to the one he plays in 'The Big Lebowski'. Not a film to change the world, but amusing enough and with a good story line, often told in flashback.

To the coach (batmobile), and don't spare the horses, James.

Heard 'Neat, Neat, Neat' which prompted me to choose this, one of my favourite early songs by The Damned - their first single, released on Stiff records



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