Lockdown Diary - Tuesday 15th December 2020

Even though I'm, no longer working - more or less - I seem to have even less time now, and it's not because I got up later, as I didn't!

More washing to do, for starters - this time bedding.

One decision I've had to make concerns whether or not we try and give my wife some Christmas dinner.  I've discussed it with her carers and they've confirmed what I pretty much had already, reluctantly, decided: I can't give her any Christmas dinner, as she can't safely eat it - the risk of choking / aspiration is just too great. This marks a clear difference between this year and last - another reminder of the continual progression and decline that MS brings. I shall try and get her to drink some champagne, once one of her favourite drinks, if she's awake long enough.

We will all have dinner in the same room as her, which hopefully won't be too hard on her, the main idea being that in that wat she is a part of Christmas and we spend it together, even if she has to take what enjoyment she can vicariously.

Over lunch we watch another episode of 'The Mandalorian', after which I knuckle down to writing the remainder of the cards that need posting, my mother-in-law aside. 

Cards, cards and more cards, however I now only have 20 left, all of which will be hand-delivered or in person.

All too quickly it's time to make dinner and for a change, I make it on my own, with help only arriving at the serving stage.  This is fine as son #2 has made loads of dinners without much help from me, of late.  I recently bought a new carving knife, as I was fed up with trying to carve meat with useless knives, and, in keeping with tradition, on my first use I managed to cut myself.  Hopefully a plaster will staunch the blood flow!

We all sat down for dinner, which was early-ish (about 7:30 - 7:40 p.m.), and thus managed to watch two episodes of 'The Haunting of Hill House', leaving us with just one remaining. At least one suitably unexpected scare to keep everyone on their toes.

But, soft! what sound through yonder window breaks? (apologies to W. Shakespeare) 'Tis, Mark Lanegan, and 'The Gravedigger's Song' from the album 'Blues Funeral' 



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