Tales From The Crypt - Friday 1st April 2022

Another day, another lateral flow test and another negative result. I'm beginning to believe I might just have a cold, as I feel generally fine, though I will keep on testing, 'cos several people have told me they didn't test positive until 4 or 5 days after the symptoms appeared. I'm pretty pissed off they've cancelled free LFTs - I'm going to have to keep on doing them to have any chance of keeping E safe. There must be plenty of other people in the same boat.  I really don't think anyone should have to pay if they want to keep testing. Sadly it is just another example of the total disregard our present government have for the electorate. Bastards.

Usual working day rules apply. Nevertheless I have to make several phone calls to ensure supplies are in place for E when she goes i to respite next week.  Most annoyingly I have to chase Adult Social Care to find out if transport has been arranged for next week.  There's no one I can directly speak to as it's with the 'brokerage team', but the person I speak to does email the team to say I'm after an update. With any luck they'll call me back before the end of the day as it's kind of worrying I don't have certainty about this when there is only a week to go. Not only that, I can't let the care agency know when E will be going in on the day so they can schedule only the necessary carer visits.

Time to finish work.  Guess what! No call back from social services. Am I surprised? Am I bollocks!  I will chase them again on Monday. Obviously, I don't have anything better to do with my time.

I start making dinner and am joined in the final stages by son #2.  He informs me he is going out tonight after dinner, so we watch more of THT together until his carriage arrives.  I finish off the final episode of 'The Apprentice' after he leaves. The end is always an anti-climax.  

A call with Q before clearing up and heading for bed myself. The weekend is here. Yay!

Life / 'Big Moon Lake' / (Single)



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