Tales From The Crypt - Sunday 3rd April 2022

It's an auspicious day. 180 days since Q and I first met. Six months, give or take. We will be returning to the place where we met. Lunch, as before. Sunday to Sunday. 3rd to 3rd. Auspicious indeed.

[CRE CD189]

Drove to the restaurant and when we arrived the sun was shining and it almost felt like spring. Taken to a table with a view of the (large) pond where we order and enjoy a filling meal together. All in all we have suitably marked the occasion.

After a double espresso (for me) I drove us back home for an afternoon and evening of holiday planning and MAFSA.

Not too late a night as we'll have to be up early tomorrow: Queue for work and me to travel north.

Pale Blue Eyes / 'Dr Pong' / (Single)



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