Tales From The Crypt - Monday 4th April 2022

Ho hum, pig's bum.  Up early to drive home after a wonderful weekend that I didn't want to end, but we both have lots to do, including work in Q's case. I need to get back early too as the community matron is coming to change E's catheter, replace the water in the PEG balloon and do the usual readings.

Back just after 9:30 despite having to battle through rain and heavy traffic on the motorways.

Now I'm home I'm contacting son #3 to see what time he (and all his stuff/washing) can be collected from his flat.  After a bit of an exchange we settle on 4pm, or thereabouts. Not ideal, but I guess it works.

Late morning I get a call from the nursing home to ask if E's still coming because they've still not received confirmation from the council that she is.  This then prompts a call to the council to try and find out what's going on as I still don't know anything about the transport arrangements yet.

The community matron arrives next. He sets about his tasks and I talk to him about arrangements for the time when E's in the nursing home. As he's finishing writing up his notes the carers arrive and I have a moan about the lack of firm arrangements for E's respite.

After lunch I get a call back from social services and speak to a very helpful woman.  She thought the nursing home had already been given confirmation and she takes ownership of solving that mystery as well as sorting out the transport arrangements. She promises to get back to me this afternoon.

True to her word, B from social services calls me back within an hour or two with some good news.  She's spoken to the nursing home and confirmed the details and has also booked both ambulance journeys (outbound and return).  Not only that she's copying me into the email to the nursing home, which has the added advantage of giving me direct email access to the brokerage duty desk, thus bypassing the admin staff who answer the calls.  The holiday is looking a little closer.

Time to collect son #3 with the help of son #2. Car packed, time to head home. Car unpacked. Over to son #3 to deal with his stuff. It's to see him again and have him home: he has brought some washing but I need him to do me some huge favours in late April early May, so not a problem.

As we go into the evening and I start making the dinner, I reflect that I've still not quite managed to pin down son #1 on the date of his return, though it does look like it'll either be Friday or Saturday.  The former being my preference, especially if he will be bringing washing.

Son #3 and I eat together while watching a WILTY and having a catch up.

After an unexpected delay, Q and I chat before it's time to sleep.

Nilufer Yanya / 'The Dealer' / 'PAINLESS'



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