Tales From The Crypt - Saturday 2nd April 2022

Usual start to Saturday before heading off to the south coast at some point after lunch. Q is taking a trip to Heathrow and back, so I shan't head south until I know when she'll get home.  I have completed another lateral flow test and got another negative, so it should be safe for me to go out to play 🤞

Loads of things to do around the house before I can go anyway, so on with the show!

I now know I can leave around 2 p.m., so that's when I'll be off!

Dahn sarf with Q!

Warmly welcomed, so on with the MAFSA and the weekend. We're both tired so we opt for a delivery of Chinese food tonight. Yum, yum, pig's bum!

To sleep, perchance...

Oddfellow's Casino / 'The Quiet Man And His Dutch Wife' / 'Prince of the Starry Wheel'

[[I find the tune and the lyrics deeply moving 💓]]


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